Refer patients to Cathedral Dental Clinic. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque lacinia et nunc non placerat.

Associate Implant & Oral Surgeon:

Dr Domenico Apruzzese

Special Interest: Oral Surgery, Implantology & Periodontal Surgery.
DMS. M.D Medicine and Surgery and Masters Degree in Plastic Surgery (GDC NO: 261672) (ITA)

Dr. Domenico Apruzzese graduated from the University of Rome in 1984 with degrees in Medicine and Dentistry. He then completed a second speciality in Plastic Surgery in 1989 at the University of Milan.

Domenico has extensive experience and interest in Oral Surgery, Implantology and Periodontics. His commitment to his profession, has made him one of the best in the country and Europe.

Domenico has more than 35 years of clinical and research experience and has placed over 6000 implants and performed a variety of highly complex oral surgeries throughout his career with remarkable results.

Domenico has been a senior international mentor with Straumann implant group, assisting in development and testing of their new products.

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Our referral services 

  • Dental Implants
  • Oral Surgery
  • Endodontics
  • Orthodontics
  • TMJ
  • Facial Aesthetics

Admin Fee

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  • Ullamcorper ultricies
  • Morbi posuere rhoncus dui*

Please feel free to browse our website or contact any member of our team for information and guidance.