Surgical Extraction
Surgical Extraction is a more complicated procedure than a regular extraction and requires more expertise by the surgeon.
Gum tissue and sometimes bone is removed to allow Surgical access when there is:
- Limited access (impacted or covered tooth by gum)
- Complicated morphology (shape) such as long or multiple curved roots.
- Severe damage (fragile or broken roots)
Surgical Extraction most commonly includes wisdom and impacted teeth removal. Wisdom teeth frequently pose a problem due to a lack of space and sometimes erupt at an angle or get stuck in the bone which is known as an impacted tooth.
Our Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon will numb the area, extract the impacted tooth, apply minimal resorbable sutures to enhance the natural healing of the wound and to reduce the risk of postoperative complications.
Following the Surgical Tooth Extraction, advice will be provided on how to take care of your healing gums and sutures for a speedy and effortless recovery.